Angular is a well-known powerful web application framework in use today. To provide better stability and highly optimized web applications, Angular has released multiple versions from time to time. In this post, you will get brief data on angular version history.

Angular Versions
So far, Angular Team has released multiple Angular versions. Let’s look at Angular Versioning and releases one by one.
Angular JS
The very first release of Angular was at first released in Oct 2010. Angular JS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework. It plans to improve on both the development and the testing of utilizations by giving a system to customer side model–see regulator (MVC) and model–see view model (MVVM) designs, alongside parts regularly utilized in rich Internet applications. The base of Angular JS is JavaScript
Angular Version 2
It is a completely new change from AngularJS.
Angular 1.x did not work because of the versatile help, whereas Angular 2 suits perfectly.
In September 2016, Google launched Angular version 2.
Angular 3
There is no Angular 3 this is because of a confound between libraries versions in Angular 2.
Angular 4
Release date – March 2017. There is no significant change in Angular 4 from Angular 2.
Angular 5
Angular 5 was released in November 2017.
The following are the significant Angular 5 features :
- Build Optimizer: production builds made with the Angular CLI will currently apply the build analyzer as a matter of course.
- Compiler Improvements
- RxJS 5.5 help
You should read this - Angular 2 vs Angular 4 vs Angular 5
Angular 6
Angular 6.0.0 was released in May 2018. This release includes Angular CLI 6 and Material 6.
Significant Features Released in Angular 6
- Two new angular cli orders added:
ng update
andng add
- Angular Material Starter Components
- Part Dev Kit (CDK)
- Activity Performance Improvements
- RxJS v6 support
Angular 7
Angular 7 was released in October 2018, with Angular CLI 7 and Angular Material 7.
This release includes execution enhancements and some fascinating features.
Significant Features Released in Angular 7
- Pack spending plans in CLI.
- Content Projection support in Angular Elements
- Backing of TypeScript 3.1
- Update in RxJS 6.3
Angular 8
Angular 8 was released in May 2019.
Significant Features Released in Angular 8
- Dynamic Imports for Route Configurations.
- Builder APIs in CLI: It is an intriguing element, utilizing this we can alter angular CLI orders like ng build, ng test, and ng run.
- Web Worker Support
- ng deploy is included Angular CLI 8.3.0
Angular 9
Angular 9 was released in Feb 2020. It is the synchronized significant delivery with Angular CLI 9 and Angular Material 9.
Angular 9 thought of the most anticipated Ivy compiler.
Significant Features Released in Angular 9
- Ivy Compiler
- TypeScript 3.7 Support
Angular 10
Angular 10 is the most recent significant version released in Jun 2020.
Significant Features Released in Angular 10 are –
- New Angular Material Component
- Backing of TypeScript 3.9
- TSLib has been refreshed to v2.0
- New Default Browser Configuration
Angular 11
Angular 11 release date was Nov 11, 2020, and according to the Angular authority site, the Long expression support (LTS) finishes on May 11, 2022.
What’s new in Angular version 11?
- TypeScript 4.0 Support
- WebPack 5 Support
- Moving from TSLint to ESLint
- Refreshed Language Service Preview
- Quicker Builds
- Refreshed Hot Module Replacement Support
Angular Version 12
Angular 12 was released on May 12, 2021. The Long-Term-Support (LTS) of this version ends on Nov 12, 2022.
Below are some key highlights in Angular version 12 –
- Running ng build currently defaults to production for new v12 projects which saves groups some additional means and assists with forestalling coincidental development builds in production.
- Exacting mode is empowered of course in the CLI. Exacting mode helps get mistakes prior to the development cycle.
- The Ivy-based Language Service is moving from pick-in to naturally.
- Expostulating Support for IE11
You may read about Angular 12 here - Angular v12 is now available. It’s that time again, friends — we’re… | by Mark Techson | May, 2021 | Angular Blog
The current version of Angular is Angular 17.