What is information management policies in SharePoint2010

What is information policies in SharePoint.

A policy, as defined by MOSS, is a set of rules or guidelines that govern the creation, use, and disposition of a particular item, site, collection, list, library, page, and so on.
Such as information management policy defines who can access documents of a certain content type, what users can do with these documents, and, where applicable, how long the document is retained.
Information Management Policies on a SharePoint Site
A SharePoint information management policy can be created on a site using three different
Create an information management policy on the site collection.
Create an information management policy on a site content type.
Create an information management policy on a list or library.
Site Collection Policies
The best way to ensure an information management policy is applied to all the
documents of a certain type is to create the policy at the site collection level and then apply
it to the content types to be managed by the policy.
So we will follow this approach here:
Create a site collection policy and add it to a specific content type, list, or library.

  • Navigate to the main page of the site collection to which you wish to add the
  • information management policy.
  • On the site collection page, click the Site Actions button to open its drop-down
  • menu, select the Site Settings option and then click the Modify All Site Settings
  • option on its pop-up menu.
  • On the Site Settings page, click the Site Collection Policies link under the Site
  • Collection Administration heading.
  • On the Site Collection Policies page, shown in Figure 9-1, click the Create
  • button to open the Edit Policy page.
  • On the Edit Policy page (see Figure 9-2), enter the settings information required
  • in each section.
  • Click the OK button to save the policy and return to the Site Collection Policies
  • page.

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