Gridview row edit, delete and update code in

As Gridview is a data source control which binds data from backend sql server or any other database table. Here is the code which implements edit, delete and update functionality in a single Gridview. Gridview Edit,Update and Delete functionality code: ASPX Code: <asp:GridView ID=”gvDetails” DataKeyNames=”id” runat=”server” AutoGenerateColumns=”false”                  … Read more

What is sandbox solution in SharePoint?Please explain

Sandbox solution is a new feature in sharepoint 2010. As sharepoint is a server component, so instead of giving full access on farm to a site collection administration sandbox will give a limited access of the developed code. In SharePoint 2007 only a farm administrator can deploy or install solutions to SharePoint site. But in … Read more

Object initializers and Collection initializers in ?

Object initializer in, 4.0 features. Object initializers is one of the most important feature of C # 3.0.What is Object initializers?Using Object initializers we can initialize a object of that type without explicitly invoking the constructor of that particular type. Object initializers:I will explain this with a piece of code:class Student{    public … Read more

What are Application Pages in SharePoint?

Application pages are very important in context of SharePoint. Application pages are stored in layout folder. Unlike site pages (for example, default.aspx), a custom application page is deployed once per Web server and cannot be customized on a site-by-site basis. Application pages are based in the virtual _layouts directory. In addition, they are compiled into … Read more

What is Nullable types in C#

What is nullable type in C# code? Please explain with an example. Nullable types were introduced in C# 2.0.Nullable types are instances of the System.Nullable<T> struct. A nullable type can represent the range of values for its underlying data type, also an additional null value. For example, a Nullable<Int32>, pronounced “Nullable of Int32,” can be … Read more

Dictionary in C sharp. Please explain with code

What is a dictionary in C#?Please explain. Below you can understand the use of the dictionary in an easy way. The Dictionary type in the C# language provides fast lookups with keys to get values.It allows you to use keys and values of any type, including ints and strings.using System;using System.Collections.Generic; class Program{    static … Read more

What is information management policies in SharePoint2010

What is information policies in SharePoint. A policy, as defined by MOSS, is a set of rules or guidelines that govern the creation, use, and disposition of a particular item, site, collection, list, library, page, and so on.Such as information management policy defines who can access documents of a certain content type, what users can … Read more

Executing Server side code in sharePoint or use of PageParserPath

Executing Server side code in sharePoint or use of PageParserPath Application pages in sharepoint behave like pages where they may contain inline server code.  Wheras site pages are rendered as safe mode parser so there is no problem with these type of pages.The problem comes with application pages i.e. pages. SharePoint will not … Read more
