How to Improve API Security in ASP.NET Core for Maximum safety?

An API handle private and delicate information, we really must take on demonstrated strategies to get them. We have numerous ways of securing APIs, beginning with firewalling them behind a Programming interface gateway and getting to them over secure associations. These are all organization and framework level work. In this article we’ll talk about How … Read more

Extracting Text from Images with Azure Cognitive Services

In this Azure article, we will discuss How to Extract Text from an Image Using Azure Cognitive Services, we will also see a few other topics like Azure Cognitive Services to Read Text from Images with Hand-written text. We will perform the below steps to demonstrate the functionality. Azure Cognitive Service to extract text from … Read more

Level Up API Authentication with JWT Refresh Token in ASP.NET CORE and Angular

In this article, will see how can we refresh the JWT Token in Asp.Net Core Web API, once the access token has expired.We will see how the token works and how the JWT refresh token re-authenticates the user. To demonstrate this feature we will use ASP.NET Core API and Angular. Let’s start with the JWT … Read more

.NET 6 CRUD API Example and Tutorial

In this article, We will explore the .NET 6 CRUD API example in detail along with the minimal API concept. Let’s start with the SQL database connection basic example. Create SQL Database Connection in .NET 6 Console Application In this example, we will create a .NET 6 Console Application to create an SQL Database connection … Read more

Introduction to gRPC

For the past many years, we have been using Rest Based Communication. As we know that REST is a flexible architectural style where the client communicates with the server through HTTP. Recently, a new framework for client-server communication has been invented in the industry which we know as gRPC. What is gRPC, and how does … Read more

Creating API Documentation with Swagger: A Beginner’s Tutorial

Swagger is the standard approach to documenting the Standard APIs. Swagger is an open-source set of rules, determinations and instruments for creating and portraying RESTful APIs.The capacity of APIs to portray their own design is the foundation of all amazingness in Swagger. We mainly use Swagger for documenting API.Swagger is basically an asset posting of … Read more

How to upgrade from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6.0?

Hello friends, in this article I will write about How to upgrade from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6.0. To demonstrate this, I have developed a basic CRUD application in .NET Core 3.1 using Visual Studio 2022. Pre-requisites To upgrade from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6, you should have the below tools, SDK, IDE … Read more

Build Your First MVC Application in Visual Studio 2022

In this article, we will demonstrate How to build the first MVC application in Visual Studio 2022 using .NET 6. Also, we will see how the .NET 6-based MVC project is different from than .NET Core-based MVC project. Prerequisites Create MVC application in Visual Studio 2022 Follow the below steps to create your first MVC … Read more

Game-Changing Features of .NET 6

.NET 6 was released on November 8 2021. In this article, we will learn new features of .NET 6. Dot NET 6 conveys the latest pieces of the .NET unification plan that began with .NET 5. Dot NET 6 combines the SDK, base libraries, and runtime across mobile devices, desktops, IoT, gaming and cloud applications. … Read more
