What is the difference between Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly?

Blazor is Microsoft’s latest web framework technology. In coming days it might be a popular choice for building web applications along with Dot Net framework such as .NET 5 or .NET 6. If you will open Visual Studio 2019, you may notice 2 project template. One is Blazor Server App and another is Blazor WebAssembly … Read more

JWT Token Authentication Example with .NET 5

In this article, we will learn about JWT Token Authentication and how to create JWT Token-based Web API in .NET 5 or .NET Core. What is JWT Token Authentication? As per JWT.io – “JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry-standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.“ JWT stands for JSON Web … Read more

Middleware Concept in .NET Core

In this article, we will learn about Middleware in .NET Core. Middleware in .NET Core is similar to HttpHandlers and HttpModules which were part of classic ASP.NET. When a user hits the request from a client such as a browser then before it hits the controller, it has to pass through multiple HTTP processes and … Read more

.NET Core Microservice Architecture implementation with Ocelot

In this article, we will see about .NET Core Microservice Architecture and we will also see the implementation of Microservice Architecture with Ocelot API Gateway. What is Microservice Architecture? Microservice is a technique to build small services and each running and handling the logic independently. These are independent services that have their own database. Basically, … Read more

Service lifetime – .NET Core

There are 3 service lifetime available in .NET Core with Dependency Injection. They are Transient, Scoped and Singleton. As you know that Dependency Injection is at the core of .Net Core. To register dependency injection in .Net Core application we use startup.cs file. In this article, we will look into the 3 service lifetime in … Read more

Building a Robust .NET 5 CRUD API with Angular and Entity Framework

In this article, we will create a .NET 5 Web API and Angular application to perform CRUD operations with the help of Entity Framework Core. To demonstrate CRUD operation with .NET 5 Web API, we will use sample Product data. What is .NET Web API? .Net Web API is a framework for building, and consuming HTTP-based … Read more

How to use appsettings.json configuration in ASP.NET Core?

Configuration in ASP.NET Core based application is managed with one or more configuration files. Configuration providers read config data in the form of key value pair from multiple configuration sources and the sequence is – appsettings.json appsettings.Environment.json App Secrets for Development environment Environment variables Azure Key Vault In this article we will discuss about appsettings.json … Read more

What is Secret Manager in ASP.Net Core?

This article explains how to hide confidential information for an ASP.NET Core app on a development machine. We will learn about Secret Manager in .NET Core. As we know, the ASP.Net Core application comes with appsettings.json file. This file contains basic configurable information about the project. Some developers store database connection strings with passwords and … Read more

How to create .NET 5 API in Visual Studio Code?

In this blog, we will learn “How to create .NET 5 API using Visual Studio Code?“ What is .NET 5? This version of .NET is one of the major releases after .NET Core 3.1. It was released in November 2020. Microsoft, dropped the word “Core” from the name to indicate that this is the future of … Read more

What’s new in .NET 5 ?

.NET 5 is one of the major releases after .NET Core 3.1. Note that, there is no .NET Core 4.0. This is to avoid confusion with the existing .NET Framework 4.x. In this post, let’s explore the new things in .NET 5 When was .NET 5 released? .NET 5 was released in November 2020. Is … Read more
