How to implement JWT Token Authentication in Angular with .NET Core?

In this article, we will demonstrate JWT Token Authentication in Angular with .NET Core. To implement the JWT Token authentication mechanism, we will use the – What is a JWT Token? JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens. It is a Token-based authentication to communicate with the REST endpoints securely. It is a JSON-based token so you can … Read more

Data Protection in ASP.NET Core

In this article, we are going to learn about Data Protection in ASP.NET Core: what it is, why we need it and how to implement it in .NET Core-based applications. What is Data Protection? Let’s first understand the concept of data protection. It is a mechanism to apply security level to any data from unauthorized … Read more

Introduction to gRPC

For the past many years, we have been using Rest Based Communication. As we know that REST is a flexible architectural style where the client communicates with the server through HTTP. Recently, a new framework for client-server communication has been invented in the industry which we know as gRPC. What is gRPC, and how does … Read more

Proven Ways to Boost ASP.NET Core Application Performance

Performance is one of the vital characteristics of an application to make it fruitful. In the event that a site or web page requires over 3 seconds to answer, the user doesn’t like it. For a public website, Google and other search engines additionally really like to suggest streamlined, versatile, and faster sites. This article … Read more

.NET Core Web API Data validation with FluentValidation

.NET Core Web API Data validation with FluentValidation

In this article, we will learn .NET Core Web API Data validation with FluentValidation. What is Data Validation in Web API? Data Validation simply tells the rules and validation that we apply to Data. So, data Validation in Web API means, validating the data that is being sent by the client and if the data … Read more

Onion Architecture Vs Clean Architecture

In this article, we are going to learn about Onion Architecture vs Clean Architecture. These architectures play a key role when we build large and complex projects which require regular enhancements and extensions.Here, we will understand Onion architecture and Clean architecture in detail. Also, we will see a basic example of a .Net Core-based application … Read more

How to create JSON response from a class?

What is JSON? JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight and human-readable data exchange format. Nowadays, most of the data transformation over the web happens in the form of JSON. How to create a JSON string with the C# class? First of all, create a new Web API project in Visual Studio. … Read more

How to consume REST API from ASP.NET Razor Web Pages?

In this article, we will consume an API from the ASP.NET Razor web page where REST API is secured with API Key. What is an API? Web API is the Microsoft open source technology for developing REST services based on HTTP protocol. ASP.Net Web API is a framework for building, and consuming HTTP-based services. The advantage of … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing In-Memory Caching in ASP.NET Core

This article focuses on “How to implement In-Memory Caching in ASP.NET Core?” What is Caching? Caching is a method to deliver data faster to the client so that information can be served a lot quicker for any future requests. So, we take the most often utilized information and duplicate it into brief capacity so it … Read more

In-Process and Out-Of-Process hosting models in ASP.NET Core

In this article, we will learn about In-Process and Out-Of-Process hosting models in ASP.NET Core. At the point when we push your web application to IIS, different processes to the application are taken care of by what is known as the ASP.NET Core Module. Let’s understand In-Process and Out-Of-Process Hosting Model Understanding and picking the … Read more
