Important C# Interview Questions and Answers

In this blog, I have collected important C# interview questions and answers and their answers, which will help you in preparing your interview. If you are an ASP.Net or ASP.Net Core programmer or developer who is preparing for an interview, then believe that you are reading the right blog. Whether you are a fresher or have … Read more

State Management in C#

In my other blogs, you may read C# 6.0 new featuresIn this blog, I will explore about State Management in C#. If you have attended an interview as a C#.Net developer, then questions related to State Management is likely to be asked. You may read Important C# interview questions and answers What is State Management … Read more

What is collection in C#

Collection classes are used to store data of specific types. All types of collection support IEnumerable interface. Below are collection classes used in, all classes come under System.Collection namespace. List – An array does not allow dynamic resize, but a list allows dynamic size. Example: List<int> list = new List<int>(); list.Add(1); list.Add(5); list.Add(7); list.Add(10); … Read more

Difference between Constant, read-only and static in C#

In this blog, we will learn about constant, read-only and static keywords in C# programming. We use const and readonly keyword to make a field constant and which values we can not modify. Const keyword We can not modify the value of a field if it is const. Let’s consider the code: This code works … Read more

Exception handling in C#

Exception Handling in C#. Most .NET languages support exception handling. Essentially, when an error occurs in the application, the .NET Framework throws an exception that represents the problem. You can catch this object using an exception handler. If you fail to catch exception, code will be aborted, and the user will see an error message … Read more

When Should We Use Response.Redirect(url,false) in C# code?

In this article, we are going to learn about Response.Redirect() in C#. So, Response.Redirect() may accept 2 parameters, one is the URL and another one is a boolean value i.e. True or False. What is the use of True and False in Response.Redirect? The first parameter in Response.Redirect() define redirection to the next page. And … Read more

Abstract Class Vs Interface in C#

Abstract Class vs Interface

Abstract Class Vs Interface is one of the most asked questions in an interview. In this article, we will learn what are the main differences between abstract class and interface. And also we will know in which cases abstract classes and interfaces can fit in our project. So, let’s start. Abstract Class in C# In … Read more

Getting started with LINQ in C#

What is LINQ? LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query. LINQ defines keywords that you can use to select, filter, sort, group, and transform data. The minor miracle of LINQ is that different LINQ providers allow these keywords to work with different types of data. LINQ to Objects, LINQ to DataSet, LINQ to XML, LINQ to … Read more

Interface explained in easy steps

Interface is similar to a class but with only declaration and no definition. Below are few code to explain interface in easy steps. Interface member can not have definition. They have only declaration. interface ITest{void Method();} All members in interface are by default public. No need to add explicit accessmodifier. interface can not contain fields.In … Read more

Learn OOPS concept in simple and easy way

In this blog, We will see Object Oriented Programming Principal in simple and easy way. What is Object Oriented Programming Concept? Object oriented is an approach to do programming in C#, Java etc. Before object oriented programming structural programming model was in use. C programming language is an example of  structural programming. But the problem … Read more
