WCF tutorial – Learn WCF quickly

WCF tutorial – Learn WCF quickly WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation and used for developing distributed system. WCF services can communicate with.Net applications and Non-Microsoft technology as well. ABC of WCF (A)   Address – Where to bind, which is also called as EndPoint (B)   Binding – How to bind (C)   Contract – What to … Read more

Client Side Object Model in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 offers a useful way to access SharePoint objects from the client side. A developer can use .Net managed code, ECMAScript to access SharePoint objects like List, Site, Library etc.On this blog, I will write a code to select data from SharePoint list. I will use .Net managed code to do this.First of all, you … Read more

C# code to convert XML into Dataset

How to convert XML file into dataset in C# programming?In this blog I will show you how we can get XML data into a dataset. What is XML? XML is a markup language developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The full form of XML is Extensible Markup Language. The way to write code … Read more

Oops interview questions and answers

In this blog, I have collected Interview questions and answers of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System). Q. What are OOPS principles? Object-oriented is an approach to programming in C#, Java etc.OOPS Principals – 1. Abstraction2. Encapsulation3. Inheritance4. Polymorphism Q. Is inheritance possible if a private constructor is declared in parent class? Answer – No. Q. What is Early Binding and … Read more

All about sp_addlinkedserver syntax

sp_addlinkedserver linked 2 servers. Once sp_addlinkedserver query executes, query can be run against these servers. Run below queries one by one to link, to provide login credentials and to access data EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server=’ServerName’ EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘ServerName‘, ‘false’, NULL, ‘username’, ‘password’ select * from [ServerName].[DBName].[DBO].[TableName] Once your requirement is done, you may drop the linking by … Read more

Client Side Pagination in Gridview

As you know pagination is very important for any data control for eg Gridview if you have large amount of data. Server load on pagination is also a big concern.Below is the code for pagination in gridview using client side. It means no page load/ server post back operation will be performed. To implement this … Read more

Why we use Cookie?

What is Cookies? Cookies here refer as Web Cookies, HTTP Cookies is a small piece of code stored at user’s machine by bowers. Why we use Cookies ? To collect demographic information about who is visiting the Web site. Sites often use this information to track how often visitors come to the site and how … Read more

How to create a blank SharePoint Page? SharePoint Branding

I was working on a project where all my SharePoint inherits from a custom master page with predefined Page Layout. I got a requirement where i need to create few pages with different layouts. There are various ways to do this. One is to create a new Page Layout by coding and select your layout … Read more

Facebook login on website with Java Script Code

Facebook is a popular social media. Most of the website provide login with facebook feature, why because each and every user over internet have facebook account. So login with facebook feature avoid filling a new signup form on a new website.Login with facebook is simple and secure as the api is given by facebook only.1. … Read more
