Introduction to Entity Framework – Entity Framework Tutorial

In my another blog, I have explored about ASP.Net and ASP.Net Core. In this blog, we will see about Entity Framework. What is Entity Framework? Entity Framework is an object-relational mapping which allows developers to work with relational databases. Entity Framework is an open source framework. What is ORM? Before starting with Entity Framework lets know … Read more

Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery) is not supported – Entity Framework

In the previous blog, we have seen about Entity Framework.In this blog, we will see error resolution related to Data binding directly to a store query. In Visual Studio 2015 I was using Entity Framework and wrote a code to bind data with GridView. I wrote the normal Linq and browse my web page. And … Read more

Create a login module using Entity Framework

If you are new to Entity Framework then read my earlier blog on this.In this blog I will explain about how to create a login module using entity framework. Create a login module using Entity Framework Create Table Script: /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Admin]    Script Date: 16/08/2016 10:45:45 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER … Read more

The underlying provider failed to open – Entity Framework Error

I found this error – “The underlying provider failed to open” while I was working on Entity framework project. I searched this and found the solution.Inner Exception says: Cannot open database “xxxx” requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user ‘xxxxx’. How to solve underlying Provider failed error? Go to web.config and make changes … Read more

Business Connectivity Service in SharePoint 2013

In this blog, we will see what’s new in BCS in SharePoint 2013. BCS stands for Business Connectivity Services which returns the result to the user through an external list or data sources.BCS allows us to perform operations with external data sources like MS-SQL, MS-Access etc. Create, Read, Update and Delete operation can be performed … Read more

Design Patterns in ASP.Net

If you are an ASP.Net developer or any other programming technologies, then you must have came across the word Design Patter.In this blog, we will see What are design patterns and their types What are Design Patterns? Design patterns provide efficient and re-usable solutions in software development.There are several design patterns available, each patterns have … Read more

Dispose vs Close

In this blog, we will see the differences between Dispose() and Close() What are the differences between Dispose() and Close() Dispose() and Close() function for is used to dispose or close SharePoint server objects like SPWeb, SPSite. Purpose of these 2 methods is same. So which one is better to use? It is better to … Read more

MVC Architecture

In this blog, we will try to understand the MVC Architecture with the help of a diagram. MVC Architecture MVC consists of 3 main words: Model View Controller Apart from above mentioned elements one another important element is there in MVC, called Routing. To know more about Routing in MVC Click here. MVC architecture works … Read more

MVC Version

MVC was first introduced in .Net 3.5 framework.MVC 1.0 was available in year 2009 with following features:Routing, HTML Helpers, Auto Binding. Since then multiple versions were introduced with various .Net framework. Versions of MVC After MVC 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, MVC 5.0 (MVC 5.2.2 and MVC 5.2.3) Now Microsoft has introduced core versions of MVC … Read more

Write Power Shell Script to Lock and Unloock a Site in SharePoint 2010

Below Power Shell Script will Unlock a SharePoint site if it is in locked/read-only.#Region variable declarationWrite-Host “UnLock status started…..”Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.PowershellSet-SPSite -Identity “<site-url>” -LockState “Unlock”Write-Host “Task completed…..”Read-Host -Prompt “The above error occurred. Press Enter to exit.”For -LockState attribute there are mainly 4 parameters that can be used:Unlock – To unlock site collection and make it available to … Read more
